As I mentioned previously, I attended BarCampNYC this weekend and had a great time. I did two full presentations – both of which were quite successful.
Presentation 1: Hot Demo Session (11am, Sunday)
I started out with a quick overview of my company, Juniper Bay, what I do (programming, entrepreneur) and where I’m looking to go (have my own company running by the time I graduate).
Presentation 2: Subverting Social Networks (4:45pm, Sunday)
I gave this particular presentation with Eric Skiff – we were planning on giving similar presentations and decided to merge our efforts, to save time and effort. The reception to the talk seemed to be overwelmingly positive – and really opened the eyes of a lot of people.
Eric released the source code to his MySpace Friends Adder, so if you’re interested in checking out some of the code, head on over there.
Additionally, I’ve posted the slides that we used for the presentation. They may seem rather sparten – but that’s because we talked a lot more then we read. If you’re interested in the subject matter, feel free to comment or send us an email.
Some people have posted photos of this particular presentation to Flickr, here’s one and another.
Finally, I’d like to thank all the great people/companies that I got to know there: GlitchCast, SuprGlu, Simpy, Squidoo, Peter Nofelt, Good Experience, Bitty Browser, Joyent, Jolt, and HorsePigCow.
Update: A basic outline for the presentation can be found on the BarCamp Wiki.
Eric Skiff (January 17, 2006 at 12:46 am)
Heya John
Just wanted to say again how great it was to meet you and present together. I’ve been thinking a lot about jQuery and some of the projects you demoed. Drop me an email – there’s some interesting things brewing post barcamp.
Otis Gospodnetic (January 17, 2006 at 1:25 am)
I missed all your presentations but the last one (Subverting Social Networks), and I quite liked what you and Eric presented. Very nice work. The numbers and percentages that Eric mentioned really surprised me.
Nick Gray (January 17, 2006 at 9:03 pm)
I think you brought the most, bestest new stuff to BarCampNYC. Thanks for a good recap and kudos on the cleanly designed new sites (to say nothing of the tech behind jQuery and Feed Pile).
Eric Skiff (January 18, 2006 at 3:34 pm)
Heya John – I’ve put our shared wiki notes up on the barcamp wiki. Feel free to flesh them out more there if you’d like
Kris De Volder (January 19, 2006 at 12:02 pm)
Did you do a websearch before decding name you script language “JQuery”? There are in fact already two other thing that are called JQuery out there.
One of them is a Java code browser built by me and my students as an Eclipse plugin.
Just though I’d mention it.
I don’t really have any claim to the name so you are welcome to use it but maybe you want to use a name that is more unique?
John Resig (January 19, 2006 at 2:14 pm)
Hi Kris – I was, originally, going to use JSelect, but all the domain names were taken already. I then did a search before I decided to call the project jQuery, saw your project, and also saw that it hadn’t been updated since “October 26, 2004: JQuery 3.1.3”. So, I assumed it was defunct. Ironically, it appears as if you’ve started development on it, again – once again causing a clash in names.
Kris De Volder (January 26, 2006 at 12:45 pm)
Hi John,
Thanks for the reply. I guess we’ll share the name.
You are right JQuery (the browser) is “dormant” I only spent a minimal effort on making it run under the latest version of Eclipse. However, I certainly don’t consider it “defunct” just yet even though development on it is minimal.
Anyhow… it looks like your jQuery script library is catching on in popularity. Congrats! Looks like a cool piece of work.
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