
Privacy Policy

Introduction The site editor takes your right to privacy seriously, and wants you to feel comfortable using this web site. This privacy policy deals with personally-identifiable information (referred to as “data” below) that may be collected by this site. This policy does not apply to other entities that are not owned or controlled by the […]

Comment · Posted: March 24th, 2006

Subscribe to my Web Site

On this web site I generate a lot of content, in a variety of different formats, if you are interested in reading it in the comfort of your own news reader, here is more information on how to do so: Blog Posts – I post every couple days, generally speaking. Generally tech-related. Subscribe using NewsGator […]

Comment · Posted: February 3rd, 2005


Comment · Posted: January 27th, 2005


Below is a selection of web sites that I use, have more information about me, or am a part of. More Info About Me: Froogle Wishlist Flickr (jeresig) del.icio.us (phytar) Audio Scrobbler (jeresig) List of Bests (jeresig) Communities: 43 Things (jeresig) Live Journal (jeresig) Kuro5hin (brainrain) Slashdot (B1LL_GAT3Z) Metafilter (jeresig) Social Networking: The Face Book […]

Comment · Posted: January 14th, 2005


Below are a selection of the web logs that I actively read. Contact me if you think there’s another one that I would be interested in. Blogroll

Comment · Posted: January 14th, 2005


I hang on to a number of my configuration files, and what not, from past and present computers for future use. A few of them can be found below. Downloads XFree86Config – This config is for my IBM Thinkpad 560, kind of challenging because it was so old.

Comment · Posted: January 14th, 2005


Links LinkedIn Profile – This is probably more up to date and comprehensive then anything else that I have. Additionally, the site also maintains all of my recommendations and former employers, which is an excellent resource. Resume [PDF] Resume [HTML]

Comment · Posted: January 14th, 2005


Moved: Research

Comment · Posted: January 14th, 2005

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja

Secrets of the JS Ninja

Secret techniques of top JavaScript programmers. Published by Manning.

John Resig Twitter Updates

@jeresig / Mastodon

Infrequent, short, updates and links.