These past couple days have been a blast. jQuery Conference this past Sunday followed by 3 days of The Ajax Experience here in Boston.

I ended up giving 9 talks and was on 2 panels in 3 days – completely exhausting. We were able to get video of a bunch of the jQuery Conference so we should be posting it soon. It was great getting to see the whole jQuery team again. We talked a lot, did a lot of planning, and are ready to tackle the work in front of us.
Here are the presentations that I gave, if you’re interested:
- State of jQuery ’08 (15min – jQuery Conf + Ajax Exp)
- Internals of jQuery + Cool Stuff (60min – jQuery Conf + Ajax Exp)
- JavaScript Library Overview (90min)
- Intro to jQuery (60min)
- What’s Happening with Firebug? (5min, All hands-on)
- Visual Programming with JavaScript (60min – jQuery Conf, 90min – Ajax Exp)
I alluded to some big news on Twitter a couple weeks ago and was able to announce it at the jQuery Conference: Microsoft and Nokia are both adopting jQuery as part of their official development platforms.
It’s been a crazy couple days tracking all the feedback from the announcement (as the links below will surely attest to) but one thing is clear: People are really excited.
I was amused by the handful of posts from commenters, who obviously had never used jQuery, that were worried about Microsoft “embracing and extending” jQuery. Honestly, there is nothing that I would like better for that to happen. Considering that jQuery has a fantastic plugin architecture in place we fully expect Microsoft and Nokia to join the legion of other happy jQuery users who’ve constructed powerful jQuery plugins to suit their specific needs.
Considering that it’s possible to extend jQuery core, events, animations, and selectors all with explicitly-defined and documented APIs it seems pretty safe to assume that we’ll continue to make jQuery as extensible as possible – keeping our core tight, optimized, and designed with the developer in mind.
Here’s to jQuery in 2009!
James Dempster (October 2, 2008 at 5:19 pm)
Have some well earned rest now John!
Sugendran (October 2, 2008 at 5:49 pm)
Did anyone make an audio recording of the presentation? I have no problems with paying for access if there needs to be some sort of cost recovery.
Simon Willison (October 2, 2008 at 6:05 pm)
I thought I was nuts doing 9 talks in September, but 9 talks in 3 days is sheer insanity. Hope you’ve got a decent break lined up!
Yusuf Goolamabbas (October 2, 2008 at 7:53 pm)
Is there any indication when jQuery 1.3 is likely to be released ?
Ivan (October 2, 2008 at 9:13 pm)
Congratulations on Microsoft!
John Resig (October 2, 2008 at 10:05 pm)
@James, Simon: Thanks, yeah, I’ve severely cut back on the number of speaking engagements I have. Only one in November and one in December (that I have to travel for). Much more reasonable.
@Sugendran: Same situation as the video – we’ll try to have something soon.
@Yusuf: We’re going to have an alpha this month (October).
Mark McDonnell (October 3, 2008 at 1:52 am)
Hi John, just to let you know your presentation links don’t work.
i.e. “Here are the presentations that I gave, if you’re interested:”
I am interested! I just can’t see them? :0)
If you could email me when you get them back up and running please.
Thanks John.
Jim Priest (October 3, 2008 at 7:10 am)
That’s great news and I look forward to the BSOD plugin :)
John Resig (October 3, 2008 at 7:23 am)
@Mark McDonnell: Which presentations? The ones on Slideshare (and on my site) all load just fine, for me.
Eka Kurniadi (October 3, 2008 at 7:29 am)
can’t wait for 1.3!! you rock!!
Philippe Lhoste (October 3, 2008 at 7:30 am)
Wow, lot of work!
I wonder why you are indicating distances in meters after each presentation. Is that the film footage? :-)
(In SI/metric system, m -> meters, min -> minutes, if that’s what you meant. No plural to units (otherwise meters will become milliseconds…).)
Julie Knowles (October 6, 2008 at 8:31 am)
Great job at The Ajax Experience. I wasn’t looking to play around with jQuery before the conference, but it’s at the top of my list now!
Gratz on Nokia too!
Mark McDonnell (October 6, 2008 at 9:34 am)
Aha, the slideshare ones seem to be working now! :)
Stephen (October 6, 2008 at 11:02 am)
Thanks for the great presentations at both the jQuery event and the Ajax Experience..
I particularly enjoyed the “roundtable discussion” with yourself and the Dojo, Prototype and YUI guys… you really held your own in that..
Also congrats on the Microsoft/Nokia thing, this will definitely help bring jQuery to the forefront
Grandma (October 10, 2008 at 8:51 pm)
Hi John, Just playing around with your site and reading some of the comments. Sounds like you have a lot of admirers of your work. Good job! Gram
Stuart Buckell (October 17, 2008 at 9:21 am)
Any news on the videos? Looking forward to watching those.
Chris (October 21, 2008 at 6:19 am)
Both “Intro to jQuery” and the “Visual Programming in Javascript” link to the same place:
Is this correct?