jQuery 1.0.3

Another bug-fix release is ready for all to enjoy! It is highly recommended that you upgrade right away. As always, if you spot a bug, please add it to the bug tracker.

As with the last release, jQuery 1.0.3 is featuring only bug fixes – leaving all API additions/changes/deletions until the next full release: jQuery 1.1.

Once again, Jörn Zaefferer did an incredible job really keeping on top of the bugs, fixing the vast majority of them. Much of this release was made possible by him.

Download Now:

This release includes a new package: A complete zip file of everything associated with this release. This includes three versions of jQuery (Regular, Lite, and Packed), the test suite, and all the documentation. Now you don’t have to build it yourself just to have your own copy.

Tickets Closed:

The full set of bugs, or enhancements, that were closed with this release:

Note: Even though about 60 bugs are shown below, many of them were messed with by spammers – so I’m not entirely sure which ones were fixed this release and which ones are just zombie bugs that got re-closed. I’m fairly positive that while there were a lot of bug fixes this release, there weren’t 60 of them.

  1. hover cross browser issue
  2. hoverClass
  3. slideUp/Down buggy in Opera 9.01
  4. jQuery?s toggle(); gets mixed up with moo.fx?s toggle();
  5. FX flash bug in animations
  6. .css() returns incorrect values
  7. Normalize event object
  8. Opacity should go to 1.0
  9. appending thead to table
  10. Problem with ‘e’ being passed to JQuery.css()
  11. [PATCH] IE Opacity issues resolved
  12. bug in show when used inside callback
  13. [jQuery] hover function does not invoke mouseout callback
  14. children() may return nothing
  15. [PATCH] $().hover error in firefox
  16. Context is being modified
  17. .text() includes comments
  18. Animation Queueing is Broken?
  19. IE weirdness on semi-opaque anti-aliased text, a small fix
  20. $([[’a’, ‘b’]]).length
  21. $().trigger broken since rev. 127
  22. JS ‘warnings’ generated in firefox
  23. Leak for Mozilla/Firefox browsers (using addEventListener)
  24. Safari crash in test suite
  25. remove() & remove(expr) not work
  26. [PATCH] innerWidth and innerHeight fails in IE with no borders
  27. $.load requires a callback
  28. o.getAttribute is not a function (line 634)
  29. Unavailable response header breaks Firefox 1.0
  30. Problems with show and hide
  31. Nested in display:none gives width()/height()=0
  32. this.set is not a function
  33. ifModified arg to $.ajax()
  34. ready does not work over https with msie – fix
  35. Params to $.get() are appended wrong to querystring
  36. ajax summary / todo list
  37. $(’node1/node2′) gives error when node1 is empty
  38. The float property for IE
  39. Opacity doesn’t work in IE
  40. $.postJSON
  41. cloneNode() issues
  42. “name.replace is not a function” in 1.0.2
  43. it is impossible to implicitly abandon search context (without .end())
  44. load() of html is not shown properly after hide/show
  45. Seperate private and public $.extend
  46. $.load should automatically be JQuerified
  47. ajaxStart and ajaxStop are having issues
  48. .add( jQuery )
  49. Double assignment when setting iframe src attribute
  50. XML not properly parsed by Interface Autocompleter
  51. Some variables are not initialized properly in jQuery.ajax in 1.0.2
  52. $.ajax: Evaluate JS for “html” dataType like load()
  53. $(’something’).load(’test.html’).show(”slow”) won’t work
  54. Mod of API Docs for jQuery “val”
  55. jQuery 1.0.2 appears to break the Interface Elements Autocompleter plugin
  56. Hyphens in CSS, IE6
  57. Assert that animate does not alter the hash param
  58. .animate() overflow not reset

Posted: October 28th, 2006

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