Tonight was the second meetup of the Boston JavaScript group and it was a huge success. 18 people attended, in all, and there was a lot of discussion about all forms of JavaScript.

There were, at least, 3 people who actively use JavaScript on the server-side including Jason Wadsworth the creator of Crosscheck. We got to discuss the many issues surrounding testing client-side JavaScript in a server-side environment. I think we all agreed that it’s an incredibly difficult subject, fraught with peril.
A good showing of ECMAScript 4 was in place with Dave Herman attending. We got to catch up on the state of ES4 and discuss the reference implementation. I’m trying to pull together some real-world code bases for us to examine and, thankfully, the reference implementation is now to a point where I can start to do that.
In general, a lot of talk was done concerning JavaScript testing solutions and JavaScript frameworks. In general there was a good coverage of users: Prototype, ExtJS, and jQuery were all represented. There was also some talk concerning Comet and Erlyweb.
In all, it was an impressive night. Even though it was highly social I felt like it was still an extremely technical, and quite relevant, experience. I suspect that we’ll be seeing some presentations at future meetups but that depends a lot on how formalized the group will become. 18 members isn’t too bad for something that’s still quite new. I’m looking forward to the next one!
Jacob Rus (February 26, 2008 at 3:01 am)
Would you blog about the next one a couple days before it happens? If I can make it, I’ll definitely drop by.
Jacob Rus (February 26, 2008 at 3:03 am)
Also, I’d love to give a presentation about the JavaScript portions of Orbited, and get some expert feedback on their internals.
Morgan Allen (February 26, 2008 at 2:51 pm)
Hi John, would you mind telling a bit of what was talked about in regard to Comet, specifically relating to jQuery. As you may have seen, I started a jQuery plugin to implement the Bayeux protocol and am interested if this was discussed at all. Unfortunately, I have had little spare time lately to work on it, but will be back on it next week.