Introduction to jQuery
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What is jQuery?
An open source JavaScript library that simplifies the interaction between HTML and JavaScript.
Created by John Resig in 2005, released in January of 2006.
Built in an attempt to simplify the existing DOM APIs and abstract away cross-browser issues.
Why jQuery?
Fully documented.
Great community.
Tons of plugins.
Small size (23kb)
Everything works in IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome, and Opera 9+
Who uses jQuery?
Microsoft, Google, Mozilla, IBM, Amazon, HP, Intel.
Ruby on Rails, Wordpress, Django, Drupal, CakePHP, ASP.NET MVC.
Everyone can agree that jQuery is awesome.
jQuery is pretty popular.
26.95% of all sites use jQuery (see
Google Trends
Easy to learn and master
Uses CSS to layer functionality.
Easy to separate behavior.
Quick, terse, syntax.
The Focus of jQuery
Find some elements.
Do something with them.
Note: All jQuery methods, in the examples, are linked to the documentation.
The jQuery Object
is the jQuery Object (also named jQuery
finds some elements using CSS selectors
returns a jQuery set (containing 0 to many DOM nodes).
modifies all the divs
Graceful Scripting
jQuery will gracefully fail when it can't find anything to run against.
Works just like CSS - write your queries to match what you want, doesn't break when nothing is found.
Ready Event
// Your jQuery code goes in here
In order to traverse and manipulate the page we must wait until it's ready to be used.
jQuery has a ready event that fires the instant the DOM is ready to be worked with.
Stick all your jQuery code in a ready block, load it unobtrusively.
Find Some Elements
CSS Selector 1-3 support.
Better CSS Selector support than most browsers.
Plus a bunch of custom selectors that make life easier.
(Such as :first, :last, :has(), :visible, :hidden)
Selectors in jQuery
<div id="body">
<h2>Some Header</h2>
<div class="contents">
<p> Paragraph 1</p>
<p> Paragraph 2</p>
$("button").parent().css("border", "3px solid red");
Sometimes CSS selectors alone aren't enough.
jQuery provides a full suite of methods for walking the DOM tree.
.parent(), .next(), .prev(), .children(), .siblings() and many more.
You can have multiple actions against a single set of elements.
Every jQuery method returns the jQuery set, for further actions (unless a value is returned).
Chained Traversal
.parent().css("border", "3px solid red")
.siblings().css("border", "3px solid green");
Sometimes CSS selectors alone aren't enough.
jQuery provides a full suite of methods for walking the DOM tree.
.parent(), .next(), .prev(), .children(), .siblings() and many more.
Do something with them
Now that we've found the elements we're looking for, let's change them!
Attributes (addClass, attr)
CSS (css)
Manipulation (append, prepend, remove, clone)
Events (click, hover, toggle)
Effects (hide, show, slideDown, fadeOut)
Ajax (load, get, post)
Manipulation - .after()
.after("<img src='open.png'/>");
Manipulation - .append()
.append(" (Opens in New Window)");
Manipulation - .css()
$("li a").css({
color: "red",
fontWeight: "bold"
HTML Selector
.attr("href", "")
.html("John Resig")
Event - .submit()
if ( $("#name").val() === "" ) {
return false;
Event - .click()
return false;
Event - .hover()
$(this).animate({marginLeft: 38, marginRight: 0});
}, function(){
$(this).animate({marginLeft: 18, marginRight: 18});
Hover uses the mouseenter
and mouseleave
These events detect when a user enters or leaves an element.
Works better than mouseover
and mouseout
Event Delegation
Event delegation is an efficient way to watch for an event on a large number of elements.
Works by binding to a point farther up the DOM tree and watching for bubbling events.
jQuery has two ways to do event delgation: .live()
(as a direct replacement for .bind()) and .delegate()
Works on all current, and future, elements.
Live Events
$("").live("hover", function(){
return false;
Effect - .slideToggle()
return false;
Effect - .animate()
fontSize: "2em",
width: "+=20%",
backgroundColor: "green"
Effect - .hide()/.show()
$("div.block").hide("slow", function(){
Ajax - Load XML
url: "file.xml",
success: function( xml ) {
"<li>" + $(this).text() + "</li>");
Ajax - Get JSON
$.getJSON("file.js", function( obj ) {
for ( var prop in obj ) {
"<li>" + prop + ": " + obj[prop] + "</li>");
Ajax - .load()
Ajax - .load()
$("div.load").load("file.html h2");
jQuery Plugins
jQuery provides a simple, intuitive, format for writing drop-in plugins.
All hosted in the jQuery plugin repository:
Thousands of plugins have been written, covering all aspects of web apps.
Some good ones: jQuery UI, Validation, Ajax Form, jqGrid, jQuery Tools.
Developing a Plugin
jQuery.fn.slideRemove = function() {
return this.slideUp("slow", function(){
A simple plugin that hides an element and then removes it.
(I'm going to be removed when run.)
What Makes a Plugin?
Most jQuery plugins are just adding in a new method to the jQuery set.
The methods need to return the jQuery set (likely 'this').
Can also add in new selectors.
jQuery.expr[":"].unordered = function(elem) {
return elem.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "ul";
jQuery UI
A complete set of themed, cross-browser, user interface components.
Drag, Drop, Sort, Select, Resize Accordion, Datepicker, Dialog, Slider, Tabs
New in 1.8: Button, Autocomplete
More info:
jQuery CDN
<script src=''></script>
jQuery, Google, and Microsoft all host jQuery on their CDNs.
Automatically minified, gzipped, and geopositioned for performance.
Minified and Gzipped
The best way to transfer JavaScript.
Minification removes comments, whitespace, and makes other optimizations (Google Closure, YUIMin, and Packer).
Gzipping that output compresses the filesize even further.
jQuery goes from 150KB+ down to ~20KB.
jQuery Books
Learning jQuery 1.3 (and jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide)
jQuery in Action (2nd edition)
jQuery Cookbook (O'Reilly)