

by Daniel Shiffman. Renders a simple fractal, the Koch snowflake. Each recursive level drawn in sequence.

Original Example: Koch

// All Examples Written by Casey Reas and Ben Fry
// unless otherwise stated.
KochFractal k;

void setup() {
  frameRate(1);  // Animate slowly
  k = new KochFractal();

void draw() {
  // Draws the snowflake!
  // Iterate
  // Let's not do it more than 5 times. . .
  if (k.getCount() > 5) {


// A class to manage the list of line segments in the snowflake pattern

class KochFractal {
  Point start;       // A point for the start
  Point end;         // A point for the end
  ArrayList lines;   // A list to keep track of all the lines
  int count;
  public KochFractal()
    start = new Point(0,height/2 + height/4);
    end = new Point(width,height/2  + height/4);
    lines = new ArrayList();

  void nextLevel()
    // For every line that is in the arraylist
    // create 4 more lines in a new arraylist
    lines = iterate(lines);

  void restart()
    count = 0;      // Reset count
    lines.clear();  // Empty the array list
    lines.add(new KochLine(start,end));  // Add the initial line (from one end point to the other)
  int getCount() {
    return count;
  // This is easy, just draw all the lines
  void render()
    for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
      KochLine l = (KochLine)lines.get(i);

  // This is where the **MAGIC** happens
  // Step 1: Create an empty arraylist
  // Step 2: For every line currently in the arraylist
  //   - calculate 4 line segments based on Koch algorithm
  //   - add all 4 line segments into the new arraylist
  // Step 3: Return the new arraylist and it becomes the list of line segments for the structure
  // As we do this over and over again, each line gets broken into 4 lines, which gets broken into 4 lines, and so on. . . 
  ArrayList iterate(ArrayList before)
    ArrayList now = new ArrayList();    //Create emtpy list
    for(int i = 0; i < before.size(); i++)
      KochLine l = (KochLine)lines.get(i);   // A line segment inside the list
      // Calculate 5 koch points (done for us by the line object)
      Point a = l.start();                 
      Point b = l.kochleft();
      Point c = l.kochmiddle();
      Point d = l.kochright();
      Point e = l.end();
      // Make line segments between all the points and add them
      now.add(new KochLine(a,b));
      now.add(new KochLine(b,c));
      now.add(new KochLine(c,d));
      now.add(new KochLine(d,e));
    return now;


// A class to describe one line segment in the fractal
// Includes methods to calculate midpoints along the line according to the Koch algorithm

class KochLine {
  // Two points,
  // a is the "left" point and 
  // b is the "right point
  Point a,b;
  KochLine(Point a_, Point b_) {
     a = a_.copy();
     b = b_.copy();
  void render() {
  Point start() {
    return a.copy();
  Point end() {
    return b.copy();
  // This is easy, just 1/3 of the way
  Point kochleft()
    float x = a.x + (b.x - a.x) / 3f;
    float y = a.y + (b.y - a.y) / 3f;
    return new Point(x,y);
  // More complicated, have to use a little trig to figure out where this point is!
  Point kochmiddle()
    float x = a.x + 0.5f * (b.x - a.x) + (sin(radians(60))*(b.y-a.y)) / 3;
    float y = a.y + 0.5f * (b.y - a.y) - (sin(radians(60))*(b.x-a.x)) / 3;
    return new Point(x,y);

  // Easy, just 2/3 of the way
  Point kochright()
    float x = a.x + 2*(b.x - a.x) / 3f;
    float y = a.y + 2*(b.y - a.y) / 3f;
    return new Point(x,y);


class Point {
  float x,y;
  Point(float x_, float y_) {
    x = x_;
    y = y_;
  Point copy() {
    return new Point(x,y);