By Ira Greenberg Draw a neighborhood of houses using Door, Window, Roof and House classes. Good example of class composition, with component Door, Window, Roof class references encapsulated within House class. This arrangement allows House class to handle placement and sizing of its components, while still allowing user customization of the individual components.
Original Example: Neighborhood
// All Examples Written by Casey Reas and Ben Fry // unless otherwise stated. void setup(){ size(200, 200); background(190); smooth(); // Ground plane int groundHeight = 10; fill(0); rect(0, height-groundHeight, width, groundHeight); fill(255); // Center the houses translate(12, 0); // Houses Door door1 = new Door(20, 40); Window window1 = new Window(50, 62, false, Window.DOUBLE); Roof roof1 = new Roof(Roof.DOME); House house1 = new House(75, 75, door1, window1, roof1, House.MIDDLE_DOOR); house1.drawHouse(0, height-groundHeight-house1.h, true); Door door2 = new Door(20, 40); Window window2 = new Window(50, 62, true, Window.QUAD); Roof roof2 = new Roof(Roof.GAMBREL); House house2 = new House(100, 60, door2, window2, roof2, House.LEFT_DOOR); house2.drawHouse(house1.x + house1.w, height-groundHeight-house2.h, true); } class Door{ //door properties int x; int y; int w; int h; // for knob int knobLoc = 1; //constants final static int RT = 0; final static int LFT = 1; // constructor Door(int w, int h){ this.w = w; this.h = h; } // draw the door void drawDoor(int x, int y) { rect(x, y, w, h); int knobsize = w/10; if (knobLoc == 0){ //right side ellipse(x+w-knobsize, y+h/2, knobsize, knobsize); } else { //left side ellipse(x+knobsize, y+h/2, knobsize, knobsize); } } // set knob position void setKnob(int knobLoc){ this. knobLoc = knobLoc; } } class Window{ //window properties int x; int y; int w; int h; // customized features boolean hasSash = false; // single, double, quad pane int style = 0; //constants final static int SINGLE = 0; final static int DOUBLE = 1; final static int QUAD = 2; // constructor 1 Window(int w, int h){ this.w = w; this.h = h; } // constructor 2 Window(int w, int h, int style){ this.w = w; this.h = h; = style; } // constructor 3 Window(int w, int h, boolean hasSash, int style){ this.w = w; this.h = h; this.hasSash = hasSash; = style; } // draw the window void drawWindow(int x, int y) { //local variables int margin = 0; int winHt = 0; int winWdth = 0; if (hasSash){ margin = w/15; } switch(style){ case 0: //outer window (sash) rect(x, y, w, h); //inner window rect(x+margin, y+margin, w-margin*2, h-margin*2); break; case 1: winHt = (h-margin*3)/2; //outer window (sash) rect(x, y, w, h); //inner window (top) rect(x+margin, y+margin, w-margin*2, winHt); //inner windows (bottom) rect(x+margin, y+winHt+margin*2, w-margin*2, winHt); break; case 2: winWdth = (w-margin*3)/2; winHt = (h-margin*3)/2; //outer window (sash) rect(x, y, w, h); //inner window (top-left) rect(x+margin, y+margin, winWdth, winHt); //inner window (top-right) rect(x+winWdth+margin*2, y+margin, winWdth, winHt); //inner windows (bottom-left) rect(x+margin, y+winHt+margin*2, winWdth, winHt); //inner windows (bottom-right) rect(x+winWdth+margin*2, y+winHt+margin*2, winWdth, winHt); break; } } // set window style (number of panes) void setStyle(int style){ = style; } } class Roof{ //roof properties int x; int y; int w; int h; // roof style int style = 0; //constants final static int CATHEDRAL = 0; final static int GAMBREL = 1; final static int DOME = 2; // default constructor Roof(){ } // constructor 2 Roof(int style){ = style; } // draw the roof void drawRoof(int x, int y, int w, int h) { switch(style){ case 0: beginShape(); vertex(x, y); vertex(x+w/2, y-h/3); vertex(x+w, y); endShape(CLOSE); break; case 1: beginShape(); vertex(x, y); vertex(x+w/7, y-h/4); vertex(x+w/2, y-h/2); vertex(x+(w-w/7), y-h/4); vertex(x+w, y); endShape(CLOSE); break; case 2: ellipseMode(CORNER); arc(x, y-h/2, w, h, PI, TWO_PI); line(x, y, x+w, y); break; } } // set roof style void setStyle(int style){ = style; } } class House{ //house properties int x; int y; int w; int h; //component reference variables Door door; Window window; Roof roof; //optional autosize variable boolean AutoSizeComponents = false; //door placement int doorLoc = 0; //constants final static int MIDDLE_DOOR = 0; final static int LEFT_DOOR = 1; final static int RIGHT_DOOR = 2; //constructor House(int w, int h, Door door, Window window, Roof roof, int doorLoc) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.door = door; this.window = window; this.roof = roof; this.doorLoc = doorLoc; } void drawHouse(int x, int y, boolean AutoSizeComponents) { this.x = x; this.y =y; this.AutoSizeComponents = AutoSizeComponents; //automatically sizes doors and windows if(AutoSizeComponents){ //autosize door door.h = h/4; door.w = door.h/2; //autosize windows window.h = h/3; window.w = window.h/2; } // draw bldg block rect(x, y, w, h); // draw door switch(doorLoc){ case 0: door.drawDoor(x+w/2-door.w/2, y+h-door.h); break; case 1: door.drawDoor(x+w/8, y+h-door.h); break; case 2: door.drawDoor(x+w-w/8-door.w, y+h-door.h); break; } // draw windows int windowMargin = (w-window.w*2)/3; window.drawWindow(x+windowMargin, y+h/6); window.drawWindow(x+windowMargin*2+window.w, y+h/6); // draw roof roof.drawRoof(x, y, w, h); } // catch drawHouse method without boolean argument void drawHouse(int x, int y){ // recall with required 3rd argument drawHouse(x, y, false); } }