Click on the image to give it focus and press the letter keys to create forms in time and space. Each key has a unique identifying number called it's ASCII value. These numbers can be used to position shapes in space.
Original Example: Keyboard
// All Examples Written by Casey Reas and Ben Fry // unless otherwise stated. int numChars = 26; color[] colors = new color[numChars]; int keyIndex; float keyScale; int rectWidth; void setup() { size(200, 200); noStroke(); background(0); keyScale = 200/numChars-1.0; rectWidth = width/4; } void draw() { if(keyPressed) { if(key >= 'A' && key <= 'z') { if(key <= 'Z') { keyIndex = key-'A'; } else { keyIndex = key-'a'; } fill(millis()%255); float beginRect = rectWidth/2 + keyIndex*keyScale-rectWidth/2; rect(beginRect, 0.0, rectWidth, height); } } }